Learn how to use the data from your other market listings to create new Walmart listings, avoiding common pitfalls
To successfully begin your Walmart journey, it is crucial that your product information meets Walmart's requirements.
Our comprehensive guide will instruct you on the essential information you need, where to find it, and the most efficient method of entering data.
Common Pitfall: Missing UPC, GTIN, EAN, or ISBN
To comply with Walmart's requirements, it is essential that your listings include a Product Identifier.
If any of the marketplaces you have integrated with us have provided this information, it should already be in your Product Catalog.
However, if it is missing, you will need to find the product identifier from another source.
Learn more (coming soon)
Once you have gathered all the required information, it is important to proceed with updating your Product Catalog to ensure that your listings align with Walmart's requirements.
Do you have a UPC exemption from Walmart? Learn more (coming soon)
Individual Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, search for a product and click the title.
- In the Identifiers section, enter your barcode.
Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- From the dropdown, select Product Edit, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and enter the appropriate data into any barcode cells.
- On the Actions sheet, switch UPC, GTIN, EAN, or ISBN from F to T.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
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Common Pitfall: Missing shipping weight and unit of measurement
To comply with Walmart's requirements, it is essential to provide the shipping weight and its unit of measurement for all listings.
If this information is already available in your Product Catalog from any integrated marketplace, you are all set.
However, if it is missing, you will need to manually enter the data.
Individual Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, search for a product and click the title.
- In the Shipping Dimensions section, enter your weight and unit of measurement.
Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- From the dropdown, select Product Edit, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and enter the appropriate data into the shipping_weight and shipping_weight_unit_of_measurment cells.
- On the Actions sheet, switch product_shipping_dimensions from F to T.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
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List your products to Walmart
To list your products on Walmart, you have two options.
You can either create new products using your listing data or attach an offer to an existing listing by utilizing another seller's data.
Individual Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, find a product missing from Walmart.
- Click the Add to Marketplace (+) button.
Multiple Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, find a group of missing products on Walmart.
- On the left, click the checkbox for each listing you'd like to create.
- Using the dropdown, click Create.
- Click the Walmart checkbox, then hit Confirm.
Create Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- From the dropdown, select Create & Delete, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and input C in the marketplace column and SKU row for the desired product.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
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Individual Offers
- From the menu bar, click Listings, followed by a Walmart integration.
- Using the Walmart Actions dropdown, click Add Walmart Offer via Setup by Match.
- If a product already exists, select Use An Existing Product. Otherwise, select Create New Product.
- Enter all the required information.
- Click Add Offer on Walmart.
Multiple Offers Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- From the dropdown, select Walmart Add Offers and a Walmart integration, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and enter all the required information.
- Each column is required, except quantity only if you're using an existing SKU.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
When entering a SKU, please note that if it already exists, we will assign the Walmart listing to the existing product.
However, if it is a new SKU, we will create a new product for you.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base. Learn more (coming soon)
Need to view the status of your bulk template upload?
Review the bulk upload history page.
Don't have Walmart?
No problem!
See our Etsy instructions.
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