Learn how to use the data from your other market listings to create new Shopify listings, avoiding common pitfalls
To begin, it is essential to ensure that your Shopify seller account and Shopify integration settings are correctly configured.
Neglecting to do so may prevent your listings from going live.
Define your Shopify inventory locations
Shopify offers the convenience of having multiple inventory locations on their platform.
For us to successfully send your inventory to Shopify, it is necessary for you to assign a Listing Mirror inventory source to each location.
Default Location
- From the menu bar, click Integrations, followed by Manage Integrations.
- Click a Shopify integration.
- From the Locations dropdown, select the main location assigned to your Shopify account.
- Click Save Changes.
Additional Location
If you have multiple locations, you can create up to two extra inventory sources to accommodate this.
Unsure what an inventory source is in Listing Mirror? Learn more (coming soon)
- From the menu bar, click Inventory, followed by Inventory Sources.
- Click Add New Inventory Source, and fill out the required information.
- Click Add Inventory Source.
After, you'll assign the inventory sources to the Shopify locations.
- From the menu bar, click Integrations, followed by Manage Integrations.
- Click a Shopify integration, followed by the Advanced tab.
- From the Location Additional 1 dropdown, select a Shopify location.
- From the Inventory Source Additional 1, select your inventory source.
List your products to Shopify
Create Individual Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, find a product missing from Shopify.
- Click the blue Add to Marketplace button.
Create Multiple Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, find a group of missing products on Shopify.
- On the left, click the checkbox for each listing you'd like to create.
- Using the dropdown, click Create.
- Click the Shopify checkbox, then hit Confirm.
Create Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- From the dropdown, select Create & Delete, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and input C in the marketplace column and SKU row for the desired product.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
Learn more
Need to view the status of your bulk template upload?
Review the bulk upload history page.
Since we've been talking a lot of about listings and products, let's learn about the differences between your product catalog, and market listings.
Continued learning
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