Learn how to create new and delete existing product variations on Listing Mirror
It's important to note that we currently only support automatic import for Amazon and WooCommerce listings.
Any listings from other markets will need to be manually created on our platform.
We are unable to manage any listings created outside our platform.
Create product variations for existing products
Individual Listings
- On a product page, click the Actions dropdown, followed by Add Variation.
- Input any required details, and click Create.
Multiple Listings
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- Using the dropdown, select Product Add, followed by Download Template.
- Open the spreadsheet (.xlsx), and input all the desired information.
- Save changes, head back to Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
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Delete a product variation that's no longer needed
If you're trying to delete a listing, you don't need to delete the product.
A product can exist with no consequence, even if no market listing is associated with it.
Individual Products
- From the Manage Listings page, search for a desired SKU, and click the product title.
- In the Variations box, click the delete button.
- Save changes.
This will only delete the product. You'll still have to delete the market listing.
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Multiple Listings Using Spreadsheets
- From the menu bar, click Reports, followed by Import / Export.
- Using the dropdown, select Create & Delete, followed by Download Template.
- Once downloaded, open the sheet and input X in the Remove Entirely column for the desired SKUs.
- Save the sheet, head back to the Import / Export, and click Upload Template.
You can review the full documentation on our knowledge base.
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Deleting a product will also delete the associated Market Listings.
Need to view the status of your bulk template upload?
Review the bulk upload history page.
With your products and product variations created, you're ready to create your market listings!
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