We provide multiple ways for you to add new Amazon listings. If you need to match existing listings, or create new listings, we have options for you.
A popular way for Amazon sellers to simplify their selling process is to create an offer on an existing listing Amazon listing. Learn more
Upon inputting Product Identifier, we'll provide an example at the bottom of the page. Confirm this is the item you'd like to add.
Required fields are, Product Identifier Type, Product Identifier, SKU, Price, Quantity, and Condition.
Allow a few minutes for your listing to be approved. Amazon will review your request, and accept your submission. If they decline your request, we'll notify you in your notification center.
Interested in using Amazon data to sell an item you don't currently sell on Amazon? Consider an untracked listing!
Flat files are something Amazon provides to its sellers. Uploading a flat file using Listing Mirror allows us to build your Product Catalog while Amazon processes the data. Learn more about flat files
If you're comfortable using Amazon Seller Central, you can continue to add listings to Amazon, and they'll be imported by Listing Mirror.
Unsure of our import criteria? Learn more
Need to view the status of your bulk template upload? Review the bulk upload history page.
Amazon is the only marketplace with a special workflow. Continue on to learn how to add non-Amazon listings. Continued learning
Confused? Contact support!