The Price Update spreadsheet enables users to seamlessly update the listing price of their item. If you need to update the price of your product, use the Product Edit spreadsheet instead. Learn more
You can access this spreadsheet on the Import / Export page.
To update your price, you will find your marketplaces starting from Column C. Locate the SKU you wish to update under the appropriate column and adjust it to the desired price.
If a cell is blank, it could indicate that the listing has not been created on the marketplace or that it is already synchronized with the Product Catalog. Please note that updating an empty cell for a listing that does not exist will not create the listing. Similarly, updating an empty cell for a listing that is already in sync with the Product Catalog will disrupt the synchronization between the Product Catalog and the market listing.
Changing Row 1 & 2 will cause the upload to fail, or cause data loss.
Changing the SKU in Column A will cause the upload to fail, or cause data loss.
The title in Column B is for clarity only. Changing or removing the title won't result in data changes.