Learn how to use listing templates to add HTML descriptions to your listings, making them look more professional
We use
Jinja2 for our listing templates.
All syntax is allowed in Jinja2, such as
loops or
Listing templates allow you to add flair to your descriptions.
You have the option to create your own, or use one of our pre-built templates.
Listing templates can change your workflow.
Descriptions need to be updated on the product, rather than the listing.
A link will be provided for quick access.
Listing templates are currently only available for eBay.
To access your templates, click Listings from the menu bar, followed by a supported marketplace.
Click the Actions dropdown, and select Edit Listing Templates.
Use a Listing Mirror (simple) provided listing template
We provide five templates in five different colors.
Each template can easily be changed by a simple click.
Once you've made your choice, you'll need to apply the template to your listings.
See section "Add your template to your listings".
Using the Template Fields tab, you can edit certain things, such as your business name, "About Us", your store link, and more.
Use an advanced template of your making
Advanced listing templates require knowledge of HTML, and the ability to learn Jinja2 elements.
The follow variables are allowed when creating your own template:
- description: A string representing the text on the product.
- title: A string representing the text on the product.
- bullets: An array of strings representing 0 to 7 bullet points found on the product.
- images: An array of dicts representing the url to the images for the parent listing.
- full: URL to the full size image in jpg format. This may be up to 10 MB in size, so it should not be directly used in a template, but could be linked in a zoom view.
- big_thumb: URL to a 350x350 pixel image in jpg format.
- little_thumb - URL to a 150x150 pixel image in jpg format.
- parent_listing: A dict of fields representing the parent listing.
- title
- condition
- condition_note
- variation_name_1
- variation_name_2
- variation_name_3
- variation_name_4
- variation_name_5
- template_data_1
- template_data_2
- child_listings: An array of dict of fields representing the variations. If the listing has no variations, this is still seen as an array of length 1.
- sku
- price
- compare_at_price
- variation_value_1
- variation_value_2
- variation_value_3
- variation_value_4
- variation_value_5
- minimum_advertised_price
- upc
- mpn
- shipping_weight
- shipping_weight_unit_of_measure
- item_shipping_height
- item_shipping_length
- item_shipping_width
- item_shipping_unit_of_measure
- category_specific: A dict of category-specific fields. You can either look up individual items or use them all.
- template: A dict of fields representing the template fields.
- about
- ebay_store_link
- ebay_contact_link
- shipping_policy
- payment_policy
- return_policy
- business_name
Template fields will only be displayed if you fill them out using the Template Fields tab.
Master Listing Title:
{{ title }}
Product Features:
{% for bullet in bullets %}
{{ bullet }}
{% endfor %}
Product Images:
{% for image in images %}
<img src="{{ image.big_thumb }}">
{% endfor %}
Master Listing Description:
{{ description }}
Category Specifics:
{% for k,v in category_specific.items() %}
<b>{{ k }}</b>: {{ v }}
{% endfor %}
Item Condition:
<p>{{ parent_listing.condition }}<br>
{% if parent_listing.condition_note %}
{{ parent_listing.condition_note }}
{% endif %}
Template Fields:
{{ template.about }}
Add your template to your listings
Individual Listings
- From the Manage Listings page, search for a product.
- Click Edit for the listing.
- Locate Listing Template, and select the template from the dropdown.
- Save changes.
Multiple Listings
- From the menu bar, click Listings followed by a supported marketplace.
- Using the Actions dropdown, and click Profile IDs.
- Note down the desired ID.
- From the menu bar, click Listings, followed by Bulk Edit Templates.
- Using the dropdown, select Market Listing Core Edit, followed by the supported marketplace.
- In the sheet, locate the Listing Template field, and input the noted ID.
- Save changes, and upload the sheet.
Removing a template from your listings
- From the Manage Listings page, search for a product.
- Click Edit for the listing.
- Locate Listing Template, and remove the template from the dropdown.
- Edit the description field, or click Use Product Catalog Description.
- Save changes.