The Update Quantity spreadsheet enables users to easily update the quantity of items in their warehouse. These items are typically filled by the user's business and do not include any third-party logistics (3PL) services like Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA), Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS), Deliverr, or similar providers. Since 3PLs cannot be modified, they will not be visible in the spreadsheet.
If you require an inventory report, you have the option to conveniently download one directly from the inventory page. Learn more (coming soon)
You can access this spreadsheet on the Import / Export page.
To update your inventory, you will find your inventory sources starting from Column C. Locate the SKU you wish to update under the appropriate column and adjust it to the desired quantity.
Additionally, users have the flexibility to modify their inventory levels by inputting a specific number followed by a plus or minus sign. This convenient feature empowers users to effortlessly increase or decrease their inventory as needed.
You can also update the location of your inventory by accessing the Quantity and Location Update spreadsheet. Alongside each inventory source, you will find a location cell where you can specify where the item is located.
Changing Row 1 & 2 will cause the upload to fail, or cause data loss.
Changing the SKU in Column A will cause the upload to fail, or cause data loss.
The title in Column B is for clarity only. Changing or removing the title won't result in data changes.